Join the Network and you’ll be in good company
Why join the Network?
Share knowledge and experience
with a network of leading experts in completion, workover and production from North Sea operating companies
Learn from presentations & discussions
concerning the challenges and solutions to maximising well productivity and injectivity
Meet with colleagues
and gain fresh insights into the latest technologies and techniques in identifying, preventing and remediating formation damage

What the platform offers
- Access to the profile of fellow members
- Searchable on-line discussion with other members
- Diary of upcoming industry wide events
- On-line registration to future forum events
- Access to previous meeting presentations and discussion
- Reference best practice for key technical topics
It has been reassuring to observe that we are not alone in trying to solve well productivity issues for our field developments. The NSWPN benefits from having high quality and from providing an opportunity for operators to share experiences in confidence
Kim Hansen
Tullow Oil - Principal Production Technologist
Membership of the NSWPN will help you to design and execute the most effective well completions and achieve best in class levels of well productivity and injectivity
Allan Twynam
Ridge - Reservoir Drilling Fluids Adviser and SPE Distinguished Member
Experience from other operators regarding different technologies and work procedures is vital for smaller Operators like Lundin when meeting challenges both during field development and operation
Camilla Akcora
Lundin Energy - Sub-Surface Team Leader
"It was a very useful presentation that opened my eyes to additional angles in achieving successful well delivery and maximizing well productivity by avoiding risk of formation damage” Mohamed Aly of INEOS describing the presentation by Lasse Hermansson at 3Q19 Teleconference
Mohamed Aly
INEOS - Principal Production Technologist